Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Big Week

I thought we were busy before but this week is nearing ridiculous! Sunday we had Mass & then continued to the basement "unpacked", had a dinner guest Monday night, Tuesday I have Weight Watchers and dh has KofC 4th degree meeting, Wednesday night we have RCIA (exciting group this year), Thursday we have a group mentoring meeting in Lewiston, and Saturday I will walk my first 5K and then we have 5pm Mass and an RCIA team meeting/potluck afterwards. Whew....I left Friday out intentionally because that's the only day we have nothing extra to do -- well, except I will be giving the dh his weekly treatment! So....yes, our life is a bit crazy. Then next weekend we'll be in Idaho Falls at our 2nd weekend meeting for our Lay Ministry Formation course. Wow! Never a dull moment for us.
The other thing that is happening is our oldest daughter is getting married in Austin, TX. We've met her soon-to-be husband, Ray, and he's amazing. We love her & wish them the very best for a long and happy marriage! Our youngest son, Deakin, is being deployed mid-October back to Iraq for a third time. This time he'll be a gate guard - not a truck driver - and I'm not sure if I'm happy about this or not. We'll see. Keep him & his family (Nicole, Sebastian, Brenton, & Jenny) in your prayers.
BTW, both of us finished our Formation homework a couple of weeks early!! So at least that's done! God bless & hopefully next time I'll have more to report than just how busy we are.

1 comment:

Kaybee said...

Oh my goodness, everytime I see that baby I think he's soooo cute! You are as bad as I am about keeping up with your blog...ok,maybe not as bad!- I hope all is well with you and yours coming into this holiday season. Grace and Blessings be with you all!