Tuesday, January 27, 2009

DH Update

Life has been speeding by with the Army son's wedding, Dad’s accident, and then the baby announcement. I haven’t given a second thought to giving ya’ll an update on my dh’s condition. Since he retired in November 2007, he has been remarkably well. He’s had a couple of lung infections but nothing like when he was working. He is still very active – volunteers for the COPD Foundation hotline and as an ombudsman for seniors in a local assisted living facility. On top of that he still works around the farm – but he never, ever, ever goes in the barn (he’s extremely allergic to hay, hay mold, etc. & in a confined space it is the worst environment).

Since we purchased the Victory motorcycle, he has a new lease on life. He has made friends all over the country & in Canada (Hey Vic & Tory); visited some awesome places in the Pacific Northwest; and felt incredibly independent and free. He still gets his treatments once a week – he still tells everyone that I stick him in the chest with a 2” needle – he laughs and the person usually turns a little pale until he explains! I do stick a 2” needle in his chest weekly and I don’t enjoy it (as I am needle-phobic) but I do it because it could mean the difference between living 1, 2, 5, 10, or 20 more years than he would live without it. I thank God everyday that we have Zemaira (CSL Bering) and the allergist found his condition so quickly. The Pacific Northwest has some of the best doctors & diagnosticians in the country, in my opinion, of course!

So retirement is totally agreeing with him and I, like most wives whose husbands have retired, leave a “honey-do list” from time to time. Keep him & all those with Alpha-1 (and all those with Alpha-1 who have not yet been diagnosed) in your prayers. Thanks…until next time….

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