Monday, August 6, 2007

New Lung Doctor (part II)

My dh has an appointment with the new lung specialist around the middle of September. I will give ya'll an update then but I really think this is going to work so much better. He's willing to see Ken once a year with a phone consult & local testing done at the 6 month point. We're very excited! Finally, someone who really understands. More on that in September after the appointment.

BTW, my dh is doing well - this time of year is hard for him as he's allergic to grasses, hay, and hay dust (we live in the country with hay fields all around us). He's had a little congestion but it only lasts for a few hours and then he's fine. I really think the augmentation treatments are doing him a lot of good. AND we both donated blood for the DNA Bank (Dr. Brantley, UF) - got our "results" back last week. Obviously, my dh is ZZ (confirmed) - but his levels of antitrypsin are one range higher than the ZZ (full-blown Alpha-1 for those who don't know) usually indicates. That and his continued good health is all the proof I need!! I had my blood tested too - just to make sure - and I am an MM (normal, as far as antitrypsin levels anyway). But my blood can still be helpful in their research - I really hope it makes a difference. I'll add that link in future posts - if I can remember. Until next time.....

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